Thursday, April 12, 2007

Of questions and doubts

I've always wondered, if you're hurt real bad by someone, what is the justified reaction? Do you shout back at them, fill yourself with hate for them, and wish bad for them so much that you just don't want to do anything with them for good? Or do you tell yourself, forget it, whatever it is, I will love you as I love everyone else. I've been wondering.

Another question I've felt is, why are some people the way they are, one day, they are your best friend, perfect compatriots, participating and listening to everything you do or say, and then the next moment, they're not there anymore. Anything you do or say, just doesn't matter to them. And while your feelings to them of care, good will, wishing them the best remains the same, the only feelings from their side are ignorance, sarcasm, waiting for the opportunity to bite at you, and making you feel bad. It does make you feel bad about yourself, about what happened to all that trust you place in that person. Why was that trust betrayed, where you the only one responsible? Or was it something combined, do people just go out of wavelength with each other like that? Or do they suddenly think they are more important to themselves than to you? I mean why did this happen? Could it have been corrected? And MOST IMPORTANTLY, can you place your trust in someone else again? Are you willing to place your foot out and tread the waters with someone else. And open up to that person. Would you trust them, maybe even blindly to believe anything they say, because of the simple fact that they are your friend and dedicate yourself, fully, mind body and soul to their trust.

And also, would you as a person, keep your thoughts private or public. Would you if you're hurt, keep it to yourself, or go and tell someone else about it. What if your trust in people is so badly mangled that you wouldn't wanna tell anyone but cannot keep it inside as well. How would you handle it. How would you take it.



Shruti said...

"how would you handle it. how would you take it."
Not "how would you handle it? how would you take it?"
:) rhetoric?
i can (unfortunately) answer those, with just this - self-respect.
If you shout back, fill yourself with hate, mope about it or build up the angst, you're just adding on to the hurt, letting them get to you..
Show Life that you have a thousand reasons to smile , and not one reason to cry :)
works for me!
( i can keep going on and on but i think i'll just stop here :D )

many people would relate to most of your posts.. its true of this one too. nice one!

Berhael said...

yeah thats the answer i got from a lot of others too.. and most the people who've said that to me have ended becoming my best friends. :) and do continue.. you're not hurting anyone.. :D

Shruti said...

:) i dont think you had any idea what you were getting into, when you said "do continue"! lol..
i have too many strong views on these particular questions.. see, if you let yourself get hurt once, you'll never dare to trust anyone again.. and there's nothing quite so depressing as that.
believe in people.. its the only way to be happy, but dont ever take them for granted.
there always will be some special people (best friends, in your words :) ) who will stand by you through everything. cherish them, trust them, but dont expect it to be a give and take relationship.. sometimes its the hardest thing in the world to confide in someone who is closest to you , honestly.
most importantly, dont define what a friend needs to be, because everyone is individual in their own way :) take it as it comes. Life aint so bad :)

Anonymous said...

Firsr time i hav read ur blog...quite amazin..U could have been a psychologist (not a psychiatrist mind u)

And Shruti bein a natural born leader would obviously differ from u...has to...