Monday, December 01, 2008

Of CMs and Dogs

Why calling a politician a dog is a compliment:
1. A dog is a honest and hard working animal, a poitician is a scoundrel, a thief and a hardly working animal.
2. A dog guards his territory no matter what; a politician sells his territory if the price is right.
3. You can always trust a dog not to bite the hand that feeds him, you can expect the politician to always bite.
4. A dog looks cute and good while a politician .....

Copied and pasted by Berhael


bitter_chocolate said...

- A dog remains loyal to u, whereas a politician remains loyal to no one, including his own party.
- A dog learns its lessons when it commits mistakes. Politicians learn nothing and care about it even less.
- A dog provides comfort to people in times of need, politicans play on ur fear and try to play vote bank politics.

Berhael said...

Amen! :)